Heating Assistance

About the Program

The York County Council’s Affordable Housing Heating Assistance program was started in 2000 and has provided families with fuel when all other avenues are exhausted. Since the program’s inception, we have provided over $196,000 in heating assistance. Money is raised annually to support this program.

Assistance is limited as follows:

·         Oil/Kerosene: MUST be able to accept a 100-gallon delivery. Tanks MUST be up to code with
access to an outside fill pipe.

·         Propane: MUST be able to accept a minimum of 50 gallons limited to $400. Downeast Energy customers ONLY.

·         Electricity: MUST heat with electricity and is limited to $400. Amount requested cannot be more than what is currently owed.

This is NOT an emergency service. Fuel delivery/utility payment is anticipated within 5-7 business days of receipt of application. Assistance is limited to once per home per calendar year.

Special thanks to our heating assistance partner, Downeast Energy, who provides us with discounted pricing for the heating season.

Do You Qualify?

Use the table below to calculate whether you or your family are eligible for assistance. If yes, contact the general assistance staff at your town link below: 

  • Acton, Alfred, Arundel, Biddeford, Cornish, Dayton, Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, Lebanon, Limerick, Lyman, Newfield, North Berwick, Ogunquit, Parsonsfield, Saco, Sanford, Shapleigh, Waterboro & Wells:
    1-$54,850; 2-$62,650; 3-70,500; 4-$78,300; 5-$84,600; 6-$90,850; 7-$97,100; 8-$103,400
  • Berwick, Buxton, Eliot, Hollis, Kittery, Limington, Old Orchard Beach, South Berwick & York:
    1-$68,500; 2-$78,250; 3-$88,050; 4-$97,800; 5-$105,650; 6-$113,450; 7-$121,300; 8-$129,100

For Our Members

On behalf of the York County Council of the Maine Association of REALTORS®, THANK YOU for your support.